
  • 2,4-Dimethyl aniline CAS 95-68-1

    2,4-Dimethyl aniline CAS 95-68-1

    2,4-Dimethyl aniline CAS 95-68-1
    It is a colorless oily liquid. Color deepens in light and air. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene and acid solutions.
    2,4-Dimethylaniline is obtained by nitration of m-xylene to obtain 2,4-dimethylnitrobenzene and 2,6-dimethylnitrobenzene. After distillation, 2,4-dimethylnitrobenzene is obtained. The product is obtained by catalytic hydrogenation reduction of benzene. Used as intermediates for pesticides, pharmaceuticals and dyes。Combustible in open flames; works with oxidants; decomposes toxic nitrogen oxide smoke with high heat. During storage and transportation, the warehouse should be ventilated and dry at low temperature; store it separately from acids, oxidants, and food additives.
  • 1-(Dimethylamino)tetradecane  CAS 112-75-4

    1-(Dimethylamino)tetradecane CAS 112-75-4

    1-(Dimethylamino)tetradecane CAS 112-75-4
    Appearance is transparent liquid。 insoluble in water and less dense than water. Hence floats on water. Contact may irritate skin, eyes and mucous membranes. May be toxic by ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption.
    Used to make other chemicals.And mainly used in preservatives, fuel additives, bactericides, rare metal extractants, pigment dispersants, mineral flotation agents, cosmetic raw materials, etc.
    Storage conditions: Keep in a cool, dry, dark location in a tightly sealed container or cylinder. Keep away from incompatible materials, ignition sources and untrained individuals. Secure and label area. Protect containers/cylinders from physical damage.
  • Triethylamine CAS: 121-44-8

    Triethylamine CAS: 121-44-8

    Triethylamine (molecular formula: C6H15N), also known as N,N-diethylethylamine, is the simplest homo-trisubstituted tertiary amine and has the typical properties of tertiary amines, including salt formation, oxidation, and triethyl Chemicalbook amine. Test (Hisbergreaction) no response. It appears as a colorless to light yellow transparent liquid with a strong ammonia odor and smokes slightly in the air. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol and ether. Aqueous solution is alkaline. Toxic and highly irritating.
    It can be obtained by reacting ethanol and ammonia in the presence of hydrogen in a reactor equipped with a copper-nickel-clay catalyst under heating conditions (190±2°C and 165±2°C). The reaction will also produce monoethylamine and diethylamine. After condensation, the product is sprayed with ethanol and absorbed to obtain crude triethylamine. Finally, after separation, dehydration and fractionation, pure triethylamine is obtained.
    Triethylamine can be used as a solvent and raw material in the organic synthesis industry, and is also used in the manufacture of medicines, pesticides, polymerization inhibitors, high-energy fuels, rubberizers, etc.
  • Chloroacetone CAS: 78-95-5

    Chloroacetone CAS: 78-95-5

    Chloroacetone CAS: 78-95-5
    Its appearance is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. Soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether and chloroform. Used in organic synthesis to prepare drugs, pesticides, spices and dyes, etc.
    There are many synthesis methods for chloroacetone. The acetone chlorination method is currently a major method used in domestic production. Chloroacetone is obtained by chlorinating acetone in the presence of calcium carbonate, an acid-binding agent. Add acetone and calcium carbonate into the reactor according to a certain feeding ratio, stir to form a slurry, and heat to reflux. After stopping heating, pass in chlorine gas for about 3 to 4 hours, and add water to dissolve the generated calcium chloride. The oil layer is collected, and then washed, dehydrated, and distilled to obtain the chloroacetone product.
    Storage and transportation characteristics of chloroacetone
    The warehouse is ventilated and dried at low temperature; it is protected against open flames and high temperatures, and is stored and transported separately from food raw materials and oxidants.
    Storage conditions: 2-8°C
  • Propylene glycol  CAS:57-55-6

    Propylene glycol CAS:57-55-6

    The scientific name of propylene glycol is "1,2-propanediol". The racemate is a hygroscopic viscous liquid with a slightly spicy taste. It is miscible in water, acetone, ethyl acetate and chloroform, and soluble in ether. Soluble in many essential oils, but immiscible with petroleum ether, paraffin and grease. It is relatively stable to heat and light, and is more stable at low temperatures. Propylene glycol can be oxidized into propionaldehyde, lactic acid, pyruvic acid and acetic acid at high temperatures.
    Propylene glycol is a diol and has the properties of general alcohols. Reacts with organic acids and inorganic acids to produce monoesters or diesters. Reacts with propylene oxide to generate ether. Reacts with hydrogen halide to generate halohydrins. Reacts with acetaldehyde to form methyldioxolane.
    As a bacteriostatic agent, propylene glycol is similar to ethanol, and its efficacy in inhibiting mold is similar to that of glycerin and slightly lower than that of ethanol. Propylene glycol is commonly used as a plasticizer in aqueous film coating materials. A mixture of equal parts with water can delay the hydrolysis of certain drugs and increase the stability of preparations.
    Colorless, viscous and stable water-absorbing liquid, almost tasteless and odorless. Miscible with water, ethanol and various organic solvents. Used as raw material for resins, plasticizers, surfactants, emulsifiers and demulsifiers, as well as antifreeze and heat carriers
  • Benzoic acid CAS:65-85-0

    Benzoic acid CAS:65-85-0

    Benzoic acid, also known as benzoic acid, has a molecular formula of C6H5COOH. It is the simplest aromatic acid in which the carboxyl group is directly connected to the carbon atom of the benzene ring. It is a compound formed by replacing a hydrogen on the benzene ring with a carboxyl group (-COOH). It is colorless, odorless flaky crystals. The melting point is 122.13℃, the boiling point is 249℃, and the relative density is 1.2659 (15/4℃). It sublimates rapidly at 100°C, and its vapor is highly irritating and can easily cause coughing after inhalation. Slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, ether, chloroform, benzene, toluene, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride and pine Chemicalbook fuel saving. It exists widely in nature in the form of free acid, ester or its derivatives. For example, it exists in the form of free acid and benzyl ester in benzoin gum; it exists in free form in the leaves and stem bark of some plants; it exists in the fragrance It exists in the form of methyl ester or benzyl ester in essential oils; it exists in the form of its derivative hippuric acid in horse urine. Benzoic acid is a weak acid, stronger than fatty acids. They have similar chemical properties and can form salts, esters, acid halides, amides, acid anhydrides, etc., and are not easily oxidized. An electrophilic substitution reaction can occur on the benzene ring of benzoic acid, mainly producing meta-substitution products.
    Benzoic acid is often used as a drug or preservative. It has the effect of inhibiting the growth of fungi, bacteria, and mold. When used medicinally, it is usually applied to the skin to treat skin diseases such as ringworm. Used in synthetic fibers, resins, coatings, rubber, and tobacco industries. Initially, benzoic acid was produced by carbonization of benzoin gum or hydrolysis of chemical book with alkaline water. It can also be produced by hydrolysis of hippuric acid. Industrially, benzoic acid is produced by air oxidation of toluene in the presence of catalysts such as cobalt and manganese; or it is produced by hydrolysis and decarboxylation of phthalic anhydride. Benzoic acid and its sodium salt can be used as antibacterial agents in latex, toothpaste, jam or other foods, and can also be used as mordants for dyeing and printing.
  • Ethyl N-acetyl-N-butyl-β-alaninate CAS:52304-36-6

    Ethyl N-acetyl-N-butyl-β-alaninate CAS:52304-36-6

    BAAPE is a broad-spectrum, highly effective insect repellent that repels flies, lice, ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, midges, gadflies, flat fleas, sand fleas, sand midges, sandflies, cicadas, etc. Repellent effect; its repellent effect lasts long and can be used in different climate conditions. It is chemically stable under the conditions of use and has high thermal stability and high sweat resistance. BAAPE has good compatibility with commonly used cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It can be made into solutions, emulsions, ointments, coatings, gels, aerosols, mosquito coils, microcapsules and other special repellent pharmaceuticals, and can also be added to other products. Or in materials (such as toilet water, mosquito repellent water), so that it has a repellent effect.
    BAAPE has the advantages of having no toxic side effects on skin and mucous membranes, no allergies, and no skin permeability.

    Properties: Colorless to light yellow transparent liquid, an excellent mosquito repellent. Compared with standard mosquito repellent (DEET, commonly known as DEET), it has the salient features of lower toxicity, less irritation, and longer repellent time. , an ideal replacement product for standard mosquito repellents.
    Water-soluble repellent (BAAPE) is less effective than traditional DEET in repelling mosquitoes. However, in comparison, DEET (IR3535) is relatively less irritating and has no skin penetration.
  • 2-Methoxyethanol CAS 109-86-4

    2-Methoxyethanol CAS 109-86-4

    Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (abbreviated as MOE), also known as ethylene glycol methyl ether, is a colorless and transparent liquid, miscible with water, alcohol, acetic acid, acetone and DMF. As an important solvent, MOE is widely used as a solvent for various greases, cellulose acetates, cellulose nitrates, alcohol-soluble dyes and synthetic resins.
    It is obtained by the reaction of ethylene oxide and methanol. Add methanol to the boron trifluoride ether complex, and pass in ethylene oxide at 25-30°C while stirring. After the passage is completed, the temperature automatically rises to 38-45°C. The resulting reaction solution is treated with potassium hydrocyanide- Neutralize the methanol solution to pH=8-Chemicalbook9. Recover methanol, distill it, and collect the fractions before 130°C to obtain the crude product. Then carry out fractional distillation, and collect the 123-125°C fraction as the finished product. In industrial production, ethylene oxide and anhydrous methanol are reacted at high temperature and pressure without a catalyst, and a high yield product can be obtained。
    This product is used as a solvent for various oils, lignin, nitrocellulose, cellulose acetate, alcohol-soluble dyes and synthetic resins; as a reagent for the determination of iron, sulfate and carbon disulfide, as a diluent for coatings, and for cellophane. In packaging sealers, quick-drying varnishes and enamels. It can also be used as a penetrating agent and leveling agent in the dye industry, or as a plasticizer and brightener. As an intermediate in the production of organic compounds, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether is mainly used in the synthesis of acetate and ethylene glycol dimethyl ether. It is also a Chemicalbook raw material for the production of bis(2-methoxyethyl)phthalate plasticizer. The mixture of ethylene glycol monomethyl ether and glycerin (ether: glycerin = 98:2) is a military jet fuel additive that can prevent icing and bacterial corrosion. When ethylene glycol monomethyl ether is used as a jet fuel antisizing agent, the general addition amount is 0.15% ± 0.05%. It has good hydrophilicity. It uses its own hydroxyl group in the fuel to interact with the trace amounts of water molecules in the oil. The formation of hydrogen bond association, coupled with its very low freezing point, lowers the freezing point of water in the oil, allowing the water to precipitate into ice. Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether is also an anti-microbial additive.
  • 1,4-Butanediol diglycidyl ether CAS 2425-79-8

    1,4-Butanediol diglycidyl ether CAS 2425-79-8

    1,4-Butanediol glycidyl ether, also known as 1,4-butanediol dialkyl ether or BDG, is an organic compound . It is a colorless to light yellow liquid with low volatility. It is soluble in most organic solvents such as ethanol, methanol and dimethylformamide. Commonly used as chemical raw materials and solvents. It is also used as a stabilizer for dyes and pigments.
    1,4-Butanediol glycidyl ether can be produced by esterification of 1,4-butanediol with methanol or methanol solution. The reaction conditions are generally carried out under high pressure and in the presence of a catalyst.
    When using 1,4-butanediol glycidyl ether, care must be taken to prevent contact with skin and eyes. During use and storage, high temperatures and sources of fire should be avoided. Attention should be paid to the sealing of storage containers to prevent evaporation and leakage.
  • Diethanolamine CAS: 111-42-2

    Diethanolamine CAS: 111-42-2

    Ethanolamine EA is the most important product in ethanol, including monoethanolamine MEA, diethanolamine DEA and triethanolamine TEA. Ethanolamine is an important organic intermediate, widely used in surfactants, synthetic detergents, petrochemical additives, synthetic resin and rubber plasticizers, accelerators, vulcanizing agents and foaming agents, as well as gas purification, liquid antifreeze, Printing and dyeing, medicine, pesticides, construction, military industry and other fields. The downstream products of ethanolamine are important fine chemical intermediates.
    Diethanolamine, also known as bishydroxyethylamine and 2,2′-iminobisethanol, is a white crystal or colorless liquid with strong hygroscopicity. It is easily soluble in water, methanol, ethanol, acetone and benzene. Its solubility (g/100g) in benzene at 25°C is 4.2 and in ether is 0.8. Its purpose is: gas purifier, which can absorb Chemicalbook acidic gases in the gas, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, etc. The "Benfield" solution used in the synthetic ammonia industry is mainly composed of this product; it is also used for emulsification. Agents, lubricants, shampoos, thickeners, etc.; organic synthesis intermediates, used to produce detergent raw materials, preservatives and daily chemicals (such as surfactants); synthesis of morpholine.
    Diethanolamine is used as a raw material for buffers in the pharmaceutical industry. It is used as a cross-linking agent in the production of high-resilience polyurethane foam. It is mixed with triethanolamine as a detergent for aircraft engine pistons. It reacts with fatty acids to form alkyl alkyls. It is also used in organic Synthetic raw materials, raw materials for surfactants Chemicalbook and acid gas absorbers, used as thickeners and foam modifiers in shampoos and light detergents, as intermediates in the organic synthesis industry, and in the pharmaceutical industry. As a solvent, it is widely used in the washing industry, cosmetics industry, agriculture, construction industry and metal industry.

  • 2-Acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid CAS 15214-89-8

    2-Acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid CAS 15214-89-8

    2-Acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS) is a vinyl monomer with a sulfonic acid group. It has good thermal stability, with a decomposition temperature up to 210°C, and its sodium salt homopolymer has a decomposition temperature up to 329°C. In aqueous solution, the hydrolysis rate is slow, and sodium salt solution has excellent hydrolysis resistance under high pH conditions. Under acidic conditions, the hydrolysis resistance of its copolymer is much higher than that of polyacrylamide. The monomer can be made into crystals or into an aqueous solution of sodium salt. 2-Acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid has good complexing properties, adsorption properties, biological activity, surface activity, hydrolysis stability and thermal stability.
    1. Water treatment: The homopolymer of AMPS monomer or copolymer with acrylamide, acrylic acid and other monomers can be used as a sludge dehydrating agent in the sewage purification process, and can be used as iron, zinc, aluminum, and copper in closed water circulation systems. As well as corrosion inhibitors for alloys; it can also be used as descaling and antiscaling agents for heaters, cooling towers, air purifiers and gas purifiers.
    2. Oilfield chemistry: The application of products in the field of oilfield chemistry is developing rapidly. The scope of involvement includes oil well cement admixtures, drilling fluid treatment agents, acidizing fluids, fracturing fluids, completion fluids and workover fluid additives, etc.
    3. Synthetic fibers: AMPS is an important monomer that improves the comprehensive properties of some synthetic fibers, especially acrylic or acrylic fibers. Its dosage is 1% -4% of the fiber, which can significantly improve the whiteness and dyeability of the fiber. , antistatic, breathable and flame retardant.
    4. Sizing for textiles: A copolymer of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid, ethyl acetate, and acrylic acid. It is an ideal sizing agent for cotton and polyester blended fabrics. It is easy to use and easy to remove with water. Features.
    5. Papermaking: The copolymer of 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid and other water-soluble monomers is an indispensable chemical for various paper mills. It can be used as a drainage aid, a sizing agent, and increases The strength of paper and also serves as a pigment dispersant for color coatings


    DMPT is the most effective fourth-generation aquatic food attractant discovered so far. Some people use the term "fish bites stones" to vividly describe its food attractant effect - even if it is painted on a stone, fish will bite it. Stone. The most typical use of DMPT is as fishing bait to improve the bait's attractiveness and make it easier for fish to bite the hook. The industrial use of DMPT is as a green aquatic feed additive to promote feed intake of aquatic animals and increase their growth rate.
    The earliest dimethyl-beta-propionate thiatin is a pure natural compound extracted from seaweed. In fact, the process of discovering dimethyl-beta-propionate thiatin also started from seaweed: scientists observed that seawater fish I like to eat seaweed, so I started to study the food-attracting factors in seaweed. Later I found that the reason why fish like to eat seaweed is that seaweed contains natural DMPT.