
  • 2-(N-Ethyl-m-toluidino)ethanol CAS: 91-88-3

    2-(N-Ethyl-m-toluidino)ethanol CAS: 91-88-3

    N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethyl m-toluidine (2-(Ethyl(m-tolyl)amino)ethanol) is a light yellow liquid and a dye intermediate. Used to produce cationic dyes, such as cationic red 6B. It is also used as a raw material for the production of color developers and medicines.
    Usage: 1. Dye intermediates.

    Second, it is used to produce cationic dyes, such as cationic red 6B.

    3. Used as raw materials for the production of color developers and medicines.
    production method
    1. m-toluidine method

    It is prepared from m-toluidine and ethyl iodide as raw materials.

    Two, N-ethyl m-toluidine method

    It is prepared by using N-ethyl m-toluidine as raw material and reacting with chloroethanol (or ethylene oxide).

  • N,N-Dimethylformamide CAS 68-12-2

    N,N-Dimethylformamide CAS 68-12-2

    Dimethylformamide is a colorless and transparent liquid. It is not only a widely used chemical raw material, but also an excellent solvent with a wide range of uses. Dimethylformamide is an important raw material for pharmaceutical, petrochemical, leather and other industries。
    Dimethylformamide is referred to as DMF. It is a compound in which the hydroxyl group of formic acid is replaced by a dimethylamino group, with the molecular formula HCON(CH3)2. It is a colorless and transparent high-boiling point liquid with a light amine smell and a relative density of 0.9445 (25℃). Melting point -61℃. Boiling point 152.8℃. Flash point 57.78℃. Vapor density 2.51. Vapor pressure 0.49kpa (3.7mmHg25℃). Autoignition point is 445℃. The explosion limit of steam and air mixture is 2.2~15.2%. Exposure to open flames and high heat may cause combustion and explosion. It can react violently with concentrated sulfuric acid and fuming nitric acid and even explode. It is miscible with water and most organic solvents Chemicalbook. It is a common solvent for chemical reactions. Pure dimethylformamide has no odor, but industrial grade or deteriorated dimethylformamide has a fishy smell because it contains dimethylamine impurities. The name comes from the fact that it is a dimethyl substitute of formamide (amide of formic acid), and both methyl groups are located on the N (nitrogen) atom. Dimethylformamide is a polar (hydrophilic) aprotic solvent with a high boiling point, which can promote the SN2 reaction mechanism. Dimethylformamide is made from formic acid and dimethylamine. Dimethylformamide is unstable (especially at high temperatures) in the presence of strong bases such as sodium hydroxide or strong acids such as hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, and hydrolyzes to formic acid and dimethylamine.
    It is very stable in the air and when heated to boiling. When the temperature is higher than 350°C, it loses water and generates carbon monoxide and dimethylamine. N,N-dimethylformamide is a very good aprotic polar solvent that can dissolve most organic and inorganic substances and is miscible with water, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, esters, halogenated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. . The positively charged end of the N,N-dimethylformamide molecule is surrounded by methyl groups, forming a spatial Chemicalbook barrier that prevents negative ions from approaching and only associates positive ions. Bare anions are much more active than solvated anions. Many ionic reactions are easier to carry out in N,N-dimethylformamide than in general protic solvents. For example, carboxylates and halogenated hydrocarbons react in N,N-dimethylformamide at room temperature. , can generate esters with high yields, and is particularly suitable for the synthesis of sterically hindered esters.

  • N,N-Diethylaniline CAS:91-66-7

    N,N-Diethylaniline CAS:91-66-7

    N,N-Diethylaniline CAS:91-66-7
    Colorless to yellow liquid. Has a special smell. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, ether, chloroform and benzene. Derived from the reaction of aniline and ethyl chloride. Raw material consumption quota: aniline 645kg/t, ethyl chloride (95%) 1473kg/t, caustic soda (42%) 1230kg/t, phthalic anhydride 29kg/t.
    It can be used to prepare azo dyes, triphenylmethane dyes, etc. It is also an important intermediate for the synthesis of drugs and color film developers, and its applications are very wide.
    Storage : The warehouse is ventilated and dried at low temperature; stored separately from acids, oxidants and food additives.
  • Polyethylene-polyamines CAS: 68131-73-7

    Polyethylene-polyamines CAS: 68131-73-7

    Polyethylene-polyamines CAS: 68131-73-7
    Appearance Orange-red to brown viscous liquid.
    Usage: Used for making anion exchange resin, ion exchange membrane, crude oil demulsifier, lubricating oil additive, etc. Also used as epoxy resin curing agent and cyanide-free plating additive.
    Solubility: soluble in water and ethanol, insoluble in ether, easily absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide in the air, and forms corresponding salts with acids, which will solidify at low temperatures.
    It is extremely easy to explode when exposed to impact, friction, open flame or other ignition sources. Store in a cool, dry and ventilated warehouse dedicated to explosives. The storage temperature does not exceed 32°C and the relative humidity does not exceed 80%. Keep away from fire and heat sources. They should be stored separately from oxidants, acids, and alkalis, and avoid mixed storage. Equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment. Suitable materials should be available in the storage area to contain spills. No vibration, impact and friction.
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid  CAS: 60-00-4

    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid CAS: 60-00-4

    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid CAS: 60-00-4
    chemical properties
    This product crystallizes out from water as white powder. The solubility in water at 25℃ is 0.5g/L. Insoluble in cold water, alcohol and general organic solvents. Soluble in sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and ammonia solutions.
    Production method:
    Reaction of ethylenediamine and chloroacetic acid. Add 100kg of chloroacetic acid, 100kg of ice and 135kg of sodium hydroxide solution (30%) into the reaction kettle, and then add 18kg of 83% to 84% ethylenediamine under stirring. Incubate at 15°C for 1 hour. Add 30Chemicalbook% sodium hydroxide solution in batches of 10L each time. After each addition, add another batch after the phenolphthalein test solution does not show red. Keep at room temperature for 12h. Heat to 90°C and decolorize with activated carbon. Filter, wash the filter residue with water, and finally adjust the pH value to 3 with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Cool and crystallize, filter and wash with water until there is no chloride ion reaction. Dried products.
    Reaction of ethylenediamine with formaldehyde and sodium cyanide. Mix 60% ethylenediamine aqueous solution, 30% sodium cyanide aqueous solution and sodium hydroxide, and keep the mixture at 20°C for 0.5h. Then add formaldehyde aqueous solution dropwise. After the reaction, the chemicalbook was decompressed and the water was evaporated. Then repeat the above operation, adding excess formaldehyde for the last time to allow the sodium cyanide to react completely. Adjust pH to 1.2 with dilute acid. A white precipitate precipitated, filtered, washed with water, and dried at 110°C. Get the product.
    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is an important complexing agent. EDTA is widely used and can be used as bleaching fixative in the processing of color photosensitive materials, dyeing auxiliaries, fiber processing auxiliaries, cosmetic additives, blood anticoagulants, detergents, stabilizers, synthetic rubber polymerization initiators, EDTA is a chelate Representative substances of mixtures. It can form stable water-soluble chemical complexes with alkali metals, rare earth elements and transition metals. In addition to sodium salts, there are also ammonium salts and various salts such as iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, and aluminum. Each of these salts has different uses. In addition, EDTA can also be used to quickly excrete harmful radioactive metals from the human body and play a detoxifying role. It is also a water treatment agent. EDTA is also an important indicator, but it is used to titrate metal nickel, copper, etc. When used, it must be used together with ammonia to function as an indicator.
  • Disodium edetate dihydrate CAS: 6381-92-6

    Disodium edetate dihydrate CAS: 6381-92-6

    Disodium edetate dihydrate CAS: 6381-92-6
    Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (also known as disodium EDTA) is a powerful chelating agent. Due to its high stability constant and extensive coordination properties, it can almost interact with most metal ions except alkali metals ( Such as iron, copper, calcium, magnesium and other multivalent ions) chelate to form stable water-soluble complexes, eliminating metal ions or harmful reactions caused by them.
    Disodium EDTA is a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water and almost insoluble in ethanol and ether. The pH value of its aqueous solution is about 5.3 and is used in detergents, dyeing auxiliaries, fiber processing agents, cosmetic additives, food additives, agricultural micro-fertilizers and Mariculture, etc.
    Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate is used in food, medicine, cosmetics and other products. Food-grade disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate can be used as a stabilizer, coagulant, antioxidant and preservative, and can protect color and resist oxidation. , anti-corrosion synergy and stabilizing effect.
  • Sodium edetate    CAS:  64-02-8

    Sodium edetate CAS: 64-02-8

    Sodium edetate CAS: 64-02-8
    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) contains 4 carboxyl groups and can generally form disalt, trisalt and tetrasalt. Common EDTA salts include disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-2Na), tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-4Na), dipotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-2K) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Tripotassium (EDTA-3K). Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-4Na) is a multifunctional organic small molecule containing amino and carboxyl groups. It is widely used in analytical chemistry as a complexing agent.
    chemical propertie: White crystalline powder. Soluble in water and acid, insoluble in alcohol, benzene and chloroform.
    Tetrasodium EDTA is an important complexing agent and metal masking agent. It can be used in dyeing in the textile industry, water quality treatment, color photosensitivity, medicine, daily chemicals, papermaking and other industries, as an additive, activator, water purifier, metallic ion masking agent and activator in the styrene-butadiene rubber industry. In the dry process acrylic industry, it can offset metal interference and improve the color and brightness of dyed fabrics. It can also be used in liquid detergents to improve washing quality and enhance washing effect.
  • Tris(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol CAS 90-72-2

    Tris(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol CAS 90-72-2

    CAS 90-72-2
    Manufacturing method
    Add phenol and 40% dimethylamine aqueous solution to the reaction kettle, stir and mix evenly, cool to below 20°C, slowly add 30% formaldehyde aqueous solution under stirring, and control to complete the addition below 30°C. Continue stirring at 25-30°C for 1 hour, then raise the temperature to 90-95°C and reflux for 2 hours. Add salt to separate the water phase, and separate the oil layer for fractionation under reduced pressure to obtain the finished product. Industrial product content is over 95%.
    Appearance: Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid. Combustible.
    Used as a curing agent for thermosetting epoxy resins, adhesives, sealants for laminate materials and floors, acid neutralizers and catalysts in the production of polyurethane.


    Yellow hygroscopic transparent viscous liquid with pungent ammonia odor, flammable and strongly alkaline. Soluble in water, acetone, benzene, ether, methanol, etc., insoluble in n-heptane, and corrosive to copper and its alloys. Melting point -35℃. Boiling point 207℃. Relative density o. 9586. Flash point 94℃. Refractive index 1. 4810. This product has the reactivity of secondary amines and easily reacts with a variety of compounds. Its derivatives have a wide range of uses.
    This product is mainly used as a solvent and organic synthesis intermediate, and can be used to prepare epoxy resin curing agents, gas purifiers (for CO2 removal), lubricating oil additives, emulsifiers, photographic chemicals, surfactants, and fabric finishing agents. , paper enhancer, aminocarboxylic complexing agent, metal chelating agent, heavy metal hydrometallurgy and cyanide-free electroplating diffusion agent, brightener, and synthetic ion exchange resin and polyamide resin, etc.
  • N-МЕТИЛАНИЛИН NMA  МОНОМЕТИЛАНИЛИН 292142000   N-Methylaniline CAS 100-61-8   NMA     sample is free   have  in stock

    N-МЕТИЛАНИЛИН NMA МОНОМЕТИЛАНИЛИН 292142000 N-Methylaniline CAS 100-61-8 NMA sample is free have in stock

    Product name:N-Methylaniline
    Molecular formula:C7H9N
    Molecular weight:107.15
    EINECS No.:202-870-9
    Appearance:light yellow liquid
    CAS No. 100-61-8
    Chemical Name: N-Methylaniline
    Synonyms ANILINOMETHANE;methylaniline-n;N-METHYLANILINE;n-methyl-anilin;N-METHYL-ANLINE;n’-BIcthylanilin;Methylphenylamine;MONOMETHYLANILINE;ORTHO TOLUIDINE MI;N-Methylaniline>
    Port: any port in china
    Packing:according to the clients requirement
    Storage: Store in dry, dark and ventilated place.
    Transportation: by sea or by air
    payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment.
  • N-Methylaniline CAS 100-61-8   NMA   factory   sample is free   have  in stock

    N-Methylaniline CAS 100-61-8 NMA factory sample is free have in stock

    Product name:N-Methylaniline
    Molecular formula:C7H9N
    Molecular weight:107.15
    EINECS No.:202-870-9
    Appearance:light yellow liquid
    CAS No. 100-61-8
    Chemical Name: N-Methylaniline
    Synonyms ANILINOMETHANE;methylaniline-n;N-METHYLANILINE;n-methyl-anilin;N-METHYL-ANLINE;n’-BIcthylanilin;Methylphenylamine;MONOMETHYLANILINE;ORTHO TOLUIDINE MI;N-Methylaniline>
    Port: any port in china
    Packing:according to the clients requirement
    Storage: Store in dry, dark and ventilated place.
    Transportation: by sea or by air
    payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment.
  • Monomethylaniline; N-methylaminobenzene; N-monomethylaniline; (methylamino)benzene;  N-methylaniline/CAS:103-69-5 factory in china

    Monomethylaniline; N-methylaminobenzene; N-monomethylaniline; (methylamino)benzene; N-methylaniline/CAS:103-69-5 factory in china

    N-methylaniline is a fine chemical product with a wide range of uses. It is mainly used to make pesticides, dyes, dye intermediates, rubber additives and explosive stabilizers. It can also be used as a solvent and acid acceptor, and as an organic synthesis intermediate. body, acid absorbent and solvent. In the dye industry, it is used in the production of cationic brilliant red FG, cationic pink B, reactive yellow-brown KGR, etc. It can also be used to increase the octane number of gasoline and organic synthesis, and can also be used as a solvent.
    Synonyms: Monomethylaniline; N-methylaminobenzene; N-monomethylaniline; (methylamino)benzene; benzenamine, n-methyl-; benzenenamine, n-methyl-
    Quality Standard: HG/T 3409-2010
    Physicochemical Property
    It is inflammable and explosive when it comes in contact with fire,high temperature and oxidizers. It is a pale yellow or reddish brown liquid that is dissolved in alcohol, ether chloroform and semisoluble in water.The molecular weight is 107.15,boiling point is 194-197℃ and the melting point is -57℃.

    This product is mainly applicable to pesticide intermediate, dyestuff intermediate, medicinal intermediate and organic synthetic materials, as well as used as gasoline octane booster, acid absorbent, solvent and explosive stabilizer.