
Dye is an organic compound, often in the presence of liquid conditions to complete the chemical reaction, so the world’s first synthetic dye is first sold in the liquid form, of course, the original dye quality with the current ratio is far from, can only be considered as the original form of liquid dye today.At that time, about 20% of the commodities were liquid, and these liquid dyes were mainly VAT dyes and mordant dyes.

In 1923, the British first added selected additives to the original dye and after grinding, made insoluble disperse dye aqueous dispersion.By 1910, most dyes had been removed and processed into fine powders of a certain size.


According to 1924 literature, at that time about 80% of the dye processing into fine powder, VAT dyes have been made into a wide range of particle size distribution, from very fine to 50um powder dye goods.But the original powdery dye has the disadvantages of serious dust and poor wettability.

After 1930, the dispersion type dyes have been further developed, but there are still some shortcomings such as easy precipitation and poor storage stability.

Now the liquid dye after optimized processing formula of various properties have been significantly improved, storage time can reach more than half a year without deterioration, liquid dye processing cost is low, easy to use and has been constantly developed.


Since 1950, the emergence of sanding machine has promoted the development of post-treatment technology. Wet grinding with sanding machine can obtain finer and narrower particles.In addition, the processing formula was improved so that the basic particles of the dye could reach about 1um, and the quality of the products produced by the new process and equipment was significantly improved, and the processing of insoluble dyes made great progress.

With the progress of chemical machinery and chemical equipment, granular dyes began to appear.Granular dye apparent granularity of 100 ~ 300 um, have hollow particles also have solid particles, the liquidity is better than the powdery dye, wettability, dispersion, and also overcomes the drawback of powder dye dust float in the sky, the dosage forms appeared immediately was welcomed by the department of production and application, now many dyes were processed into granular products.

Post time: Sep-08-2020