
Triethylamine is an organic compound with the chemical formula C6H15N. It is a colorless oily liquid, slightly soluble in water, and soluble in most organic solvents such as ethanol, ether, and acetone. It is mainly used as a solvent, polymerization inhibitor, and preservative. Can be used to synthesize dyes, etc.


Product information

Chemical name: triethylamine
Chinese alias: N,N-diethylethylamine
English name: Triethylamine
Molecular formula: C6H15N
CAS No:121-44-8
Physical and chemical properties: Appearance is colorless to light yellow transparent liquid with strong ammonia odor and smoke slightly in the air. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol and ether, the aqueous solution is alkaline.
Steam pressure: 8.80kPa/20oC
Flash point: <0oC
Melting point: -114.8oC
Boiling point: 89.5oC
Density Relative density (water=1) 0.70;
Relative density (air=1) 3.48


Usage: Used in the production of medicines, pesticides, dyes, mineral flotation agents, emulsifiers and intermediates of fine chemicals, etc.
Storage: Storage precautions Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. The storage temperature should not exceed 37oC. The packaging must be sealed and must not come into contact with air. They should be stored separately from oxidants and acids, and avoid mixed storage. Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. It is prohibited to use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks. The storage area should be equipped with emergency release equipment and suitable containment materials.

Contact Information


Chemical Industry  Park, 69 Guozhuang  Road, Yunlong District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China 221100

TEL: 0086- 15252035038    FAX:0086-0516-83666375

WHATSAPP:0086- 15252035038    EMAIL:INFO@MIT-IVY.COM


Post time: Jun-21-2024